Essay Database
Social Sciences Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences
various purposes in many different
cultures. The purposes have changed over time
to fit in with the current lifestyles.
This pattern is also true in American history.
The use of marijuana has adapted to the social
climate of the time.
Category: / Social Sciences
"reefer", "hash", "tree's", "ace", "cannabis", "joint" "J", "boo" and "Colombian". There are even more names for this distinct drug that people use for it also. These terms all coincide wit the major issue, marijuana. Most people think that smoking
Category: / Social Sciences
drug abuse is something that has been an issue in the United States for decades. There have been many documented cases of individuals who have become addicted to sleeping pills, painkillers, or other medications to which they were prescribed. A huge
Category: / Social Sciences
Should Be Kept Legal
Specific Purpose: To Persuade My Audience That Smoking Should Not Be Banned
In a restaurant? No! Within fifty feet of any building? No! Within fifty feet of any other person? No! Smoking in California is being
Category: / Social Sciences
the United States and surrounding countries. Now, more than ever, instead of merely imprisoning alcohol abusers who have committed a crime, the law is also enforcing treatments among these criminals, the most common being Alcoholics Anonymous or somethi
Category: / Social Sciences
Turn up the music cause she likes the sound
She looks around the room every1 is there
people notice and begin 2 stare
She's awake all night, people's asleep
There's not a sound, not even a peep
She doesn't know what is happening
Not that
Category: / Social Sciences
6'5", 260 lb. Hawaiian male with a record for violence and under the influence of cocaine, walked into his former work site with a 12 gauge Winchester pump shotgun loaded with eight slugs. He took five hostages and then when Honolulu police showed up
Category: / Social Sciences
in the future, and so far as law is used to regulate that life, it will affect the development of the law." Legalism , termed by Shklar , suggests that law can be set off form the world around it and viewed as a reasonably stable, logical system
Category: / Social Sciences
society participates in the drug culture. There is a universal human need to alter ones' consciousness, thus resulting in an overwhelming amount of drug use cross-culturally. The relationship between humans and psychoactive substances is an ongoing
Category: / Social Sciences
understand what it is. The English term "patriarch" derives from the Greek 'patriarches', which is actually made of two words - 'pater' meaning "father" and 'arches' meaning "head" or "founder". A patriarch is "the head of a house - the founder or ruler