Essay Database

Social Sciences Essays and Term Papers

Essays 161-170 of 2,136
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Category: / Social Sciences
said it was a good paper and deserving of the grade Drug Use Among Teenagers ~~~ While I was conducting my research, I located the actual survey results and decided to include them with this essay. (I included them at the end of my essay).…
Category: / Social Sciences
needed initiative and approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The California bill says that patients may use marijuana with a doctor's recommendation. It does not, however, allow doctors to prescribe the drug. Arizona voters passed a…
Category: / Social Sciences
is the abuse of mind-altering substances. Such narcotics cause not only health problems, but also violent and potentially criminal acts. A mind-altering narcotic can be defined as both the legal and illegal type. The four main categories of drugs…
Category: / Social Sciences
for a Tuesday morning rush hour in Washington D.C. We were getting nowhere fast. It was hard to fathom the events we heard unfolding on the radio. The events we were hearing on the radio were about what was happening on September 11, 2001. It started…
Category: / Social Sciences
Consuming marijuana is detrimental to one's health.         Definition of key terms: 1. Consumption= Smoking or eating marijuana. 2. Marijuana= Psychoactive mind altering substance, also known as cannabis. …
Category: / Social Sciences
recommend it for a science class. Also you will need to bullshit some references. I suggest that you look up LSD research as a keyword. LSD         The use of drugs among Americans is rapidly rising. They can be bought and sold almost…
Category: / Social Sciences
AS GIVEN, CULTURE AS CHOICE In this text, anthropologists Dirk Van Der Elst and Paul Bohanan discuss the concept of multiculturalism. The text states that an entirely different view of culture is needed in the intellectual discourse of society.…
Category: / Social Sciences
Drugs are gaining more and more attention. More and more people are using drugs then ever before and there is no decrease in the amount of drug users. One of the most commonly used drugs is marijuana. In todays world marijuana is growing and is…
Category: / Social Sciences
of alcoholism Well organized, but needed more citations ALCOHOL ABUSE         Alcohol abuse is a very dangerous condition in that it can cause many problems in a persons life and affect many aspects of their lifestyle. Alcoholism (or alcohol…
Category: / Social Sciences
students? The best way to answer this question is with a quote taken from several friends of mine. "Hey man, what is there to do in this town? Well, about the only thing to do is go to a party or go to a bar and get drunk, at least that's what…
Essays 161-170 of 2,136
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