Essay Database
Psychology Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
Bi-Polar Affective Disorder (BD) There are only two sub-types of bipolar illness, which have been defined, clearly enough to be given their own DSM categories, Bipolar I and Bipolar II.
Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings, from overly high
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
In U.S. history books, the period is mostly portrayed as a mellow, orderly one, especially in light of the social upheavals that followed in the 1960s. But for the CIA those years were packed with adventure and action, much of it conducted outside of
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
obese (Acumedic, 2003). The definition of obesity as an eating disorder is greatly disputed across culture and throughout biology. Obesity is when the intake of food in the form of calories exceeds the energy expended (Acumedic, 2003). Some argue that
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
illness because the diagnosis may be based on your sex and your place in society. For example you are more likely to be considered eccentric if you are from the upper classes, higher levels of mental well-being are found in the upper classes.
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
which is everyone at some time in their life is exposed to the family life cycle. This essay will focus on the nine stage version on the family life cycle. People all grow, adapt, and find their own niche in society and this aspect of living
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
(mostly) serious of the zodiacal types. These independent, rocklike characters have many sterling qualities. They are normally confident, strong willed and calm. These hardworking, unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering, and cautious
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
20th Century
Throughout the 20th century many issues have been raised concerning the new field of psychology known as comparative psychology. Ideas raised during this time by the worlds most renowned theorists and naturalists paved the way for
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
of interpersonal attraction. In this consider the extent to which attraction is determined by cultural and social factors, rather than an act of choice.
Attraction can be considered as a relatively simple process, which has a number of different
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
a very negative view of overweight and obesity. They tell us that being fat is an extremely unattractive and undesirable way to be and is a state to be avoided at all cost. This hostility towards fatness has been compared to other common social
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
white male with superior physical health and the emotional level of a six year old.
Regardless of obvious progress, the patient continues to be hyperactive, continues to rhyme, continues to be obsessive compulsive, continues to be autistic at times,