Essay Database
Psychology Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
Today, Dec. 2002, Vol. 35 Issue 6 P 42
In this essay, David G. Meyers, Ph. D., explores the mystery behind the reliability behind intuition and why it is sometimes a force that can't be denied. Our minds operate on two levels: the conscious or delibe
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
specific steps, on their road to becoming adults. For most people, there are four or five such stages of growth where they learn certain things: infancy (birth to age two), early childhood (ages 3 to 8 years), later childhood (ages 9 to 12) and adolescen
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
outstanding athletes around the world. Sports psychology has been around for most of this century in an effort to increase athletic performance. It has recently been heralded as the
performance revolution of the 1990s (White, 1996). The world
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
their own autonomy for the benefit of the larger group, they are no longer individual but products of conformity. Obedience to authority can become dangerous when morality and independent thought are stifled to the point that harm is inflicted
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
disorder; it is a chronic brain disorder that briefly interrupts the normal electrical activity of the brain to cause seizures. These seizures can be characterized by a variety of symptoms including uncontrolled movements of the body, disorientation
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
in which people feel burdened by unwanted thoughts or forced to repeat troublesome actions. This disorder can become evident during adulthood, but is most common to appear during adolescence. When this disorder appears during those stages of life
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
Disorder (BPD) is the most researched personality disorder in psychology today. Individuals with BPD exhibit patterns of behavior which cause disruptions in mood, identity and interpersonal relationships. Characteristics include impulsivity,
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
best defines alcoholism as a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychological, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. This disease is often progressive and fatal. It is characterized by continuous or periodic:
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
In every Saturday morning cartoon there are 20-25 violent acts, for every hour of prime time television, there are 5 violent acts, and the average grade seven student will have watched about 8,000 murders on T.V in their short lifetimes.
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
support the view that people with depression have an imbalance of the brain's neurotransmitters, the chemicals that allow nerve cells in the brain to communicate with each other. They believe that an imbalance in serotonin, one of these neurotransmitter