Essay Database

North American History Essays and Term Papers

Essays 231-240 of 2,530
Page 24
an economic depression. The tariffs passed by the government and actions of proprietors had led to the downfall of the American economy. On October 29. 1929, the stock market crashed, officially signaling the beginning of the depression. During the…
America began to develop and expand complexly. At the same time more and more people were becoming aware of the state of their environment and the need to reform these entities. They saw the hypocritical and harsh conditions that lay within their…
$170 billion *2.8 million vet *Americans killed 58,000 *americans wounded 300,000 *Vietnamese killed 1.5 million *4 million vietnamese refugees (25%) *explosives dropped: double ww2 *area defoliated by agent orange: Massachusetts size *it…
Michael Hunt's Lyndon Johnson's War General Questions What is the significance of the book's title? Was Vietnam really "Lyndon Johnson's War"? What's the "crusade" in the subtitle? Whom or what does Hunt blame for the war? While looking at…
the United States. During only four years, the amount of land that the US owned increased by 1.2 million square miles, which was a gain of more than sixty percent. The process of expansion was so rapid that many Americans stubbornly believed that the…
nature and actions of several Americans who were the budding nation's leaders during the 1770's and 1780's when the Declaration of Independence was being written, the American Revolution fought and the Constitution hammered out. Specifically, he looks…
is filled with examples of the hatred that existed between blacks and whites in the 1950's and 60's.The main character experiences racism, but the end is filled with joy and peace. The main character is Essie Mae, who is really Anne Moody herself.…
Crash of 1929 was by far the largest slump of stocks. Before this there was prosperity. The stock market risen so high, people thought if they bought on margin they would gain millions of dollars. They were wrong, because of the people who bought…
at Harpers Ferry illustrate the changing of North-South relations between the years of 1859 and 1863. After the event occurred, many looked down upon it in order to try and prevent the inevitable Civil War. However, throughout the next few years…
people know that Alcatraz served as a federal prison, but most are reluctant to know that this island served as fort. Built before the Civil War, it served two main purposes. First, that it was to guard the San Francisco bay area from enemy ships against…
Essays 231-240 of 2,530
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