Essay Database

North American History Essays and Term Papers

Essays 221-230 of 2,530
Page 23
a new era of reforms began. These reforms were put forth by people who called themselves Progressives. The progressives wanted to confront the problems brought on by America's industrialization. For example, Progressives wanted to improve poor working…
a bill to organize the vast Nebraska territory west of Iowa and Missouri. Hoping to rally the Democratic party and unite the nation by reviving the idea of Manifest Destiny, Douglas proposed what would become known as the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Douglas…
shifted its movement westward and began to populate the frontier. Some settlers sought adventure. Others moved onto the frontier to escape the drab routine of city life. Whatever the specific reason, most people moved westward to "better their…
Rock Creek crosses the main road and makes a ford which horses and, later, cars could cross if the creek was not in flood. Half a hundred years ago, I lived with my grandparents on a wooded hill not far from the ford. On summer days, my grandmother…
for several reasons. They had an alliance with France who was enemies of Britain; they had home soil advantage and a different style of fighting all these factors contribute to the eventual overthrow of British rule. The two battles, Lexington…
more than one has. Without this instinct of greed, life would be unable to function. It is because of this instinct that the revolutionary war was started. England wanted to milk its colonies of everything they were worth and the colonies wanted…
Rockefeller was the guiding force behind the creation of the Standard Oil Company, which grew to dominate the oil industry. This company was one of the first big trusts in the United States, thus much controversy and opposition arose regarding business…
have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please; and in case of intolerable oppression, civil or religious, to leave the society they belong to, and enter into another."# Many people believe that the causes of the American Revolution…
his tea by the fire, James Madison planned the future of the United States, and explained the entire thing to the world in one document: "Federalist No. 10." In this document, Madison makes clear three major points that should be addressed, and explains…
you ever wondered where why the many different countries in Europe came to America to explore and colonize? There were two main concepts that drew the Europeans to America: the excitement and profit of the "New World", and the past histories of their…
Essays 221-230 of 2,530
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