Essay Database

Chemistry Essays and Term Papers

Essays 51-60 of 652
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the Brain Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is one of the most potent mind-altering chemicals known to man. It is a synthetic hallucinogen that is derived from lysergic acid, a chemical found which is found in ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and…
Chromium would a good element for a coin. Making Money Project In this paper I will explain the how the characteristics of chromium can make a good coin. By doing so I will be talking about the chemical and physical properties that makes Chromium…
VERSION:2COPY NO:1 PREPARED BY:DATE: AUTHORISED BY:DATE: TITLE:Polypropylene, glass fibre reinforced compounds: Determination of the fibre length distribution. SAFETY: THE METHOD USES SMALL QUANTITIES OF FIBRE GLASS: CARE SHOULD BE…
how surface area effects the rate of reaction when added to hydrochloric acid. I will add calcium carbonate (marble chips) to hydrochloric acid. When calcium carbonate is added to hydrochloric acid a reaction takes place. The solution fizzes and…
Dry ice is a condensed compound in the atmosphere known to man as carbon dioxide. Dry ice is used for many purposes. For example dry ice is used most to freeze, and keep things frozen because of its very cold temperature: -109.3F or -78.5᠑…
developed, as the result of people attempting to account for properties of matter they had observed. The model developed by Lord Ernest Rutherford introduced many new ideas about the atom, and even though it is now quite old, many people still see…
announced the results of his investigations with chemist Robert Bunsen on the dark lines that interrupt the otherwise continuous solar spectrum (1). These lines had puzzled practitioners and theorists alike since they were first observed in 1814 by Germa…
an increasing temperature has on a typical plant cell structure. Introduction Cells are surrounded by thin membranes (approximately 5 nm) that separate inside from out, life from non-life. These cell membranes perform many functions: ·Barrier…
of Heat -Lustrous or reflective when freshly cut or polished -Malleable ? can be shaped by beating -Ductile ? can be drawn into a wire -Exihibit a range of melting and boiling temperatures -Generally have high densities Exceptions in…
human curiosity about the world and has played a central role in the development of the modern world. Chemistry is the study of the composition of matter, the stuff things are made of, and the changes that matter undergoes. Now, we may not think chemistr…
Essays 51-60 of 652
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