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Chemistry Essays and Term Papers

Essays 41-50 of 652
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Which substance will melt the ice cube faster either; Country Time Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Hot Chocolate, Iodized Salt, or the control? Hypothesis I think that the Iodized Salt will melt the ice cube first because of the Iodide ( a salt of hydriodic…
The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether ions combine in definite ratios or not. To observe, and create a table of the different ions. QUESTION If copper (II) sulfate when mixed with sodium carbonate at different quantities…
that they are great for getting attention. They are just about the noisiest and loudest things around. Speaking of getting attention, one Fourth of July several years ago, one firework got my "attention" when I accidentally picked it up out of a bucket.…
from the word "bond", since it is a force of attraction between a hydrogen atom in one molecule and a small atom of high electronegativity in another molecule. This means that it is an intermolecular force, not an intramolecular force as in the…
groups of solutions are the unsaturated, saturated, and supersaturated solutions. A solution is when something dissolves in a liquid. Another way of thinking about it is that if you have a liquid and it's not a pure substance, it's a solution. …
is a colorless gas chemical that was first used for making stained glass. In 1872, Adolf von Baeyer was able to mix it with phenol to form a plastic. Today, formaldehyde is used in many common products in addition to plastics, including fertilizers,…
this year; you made the class fun and taught us much. I really enjoyed all of the labs that we did and all of the hands on activities that got us involved with what we were studying throughout that chapter. Basically I really enjoyed the class and…
an artificial hearing device designed to help hearing impaired and profoundly deaf people. Parts of the bionic ear are implanted into the skull other parts are worn on the out side of the body, the internal par t is called the head set. The headset…
nitrate deposits in Chile for the nitrogen-containing compounds needed to make explosives. Seeking to free Germany from dependence on Chile, a German chemist named Fritz Haber examined the direct combination reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen,…
Aim: To determine the percentage of copper present in malachite. Hypothesis: That the percentage of copper in the malachite will be four percent. Materials: 2 x 250mL beaker, pestle, malachite, sulfuric acid, water, 2 x filter paper, funnel,…
Essays 41-50 of 652
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