Essay Database
Chemistry Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
synthesize trans-9-(2-phenylethenyl) anthracene from benzyltriphenylphosphonium chloride and 9-anthraldehyde through the reaction mechanism recognized as the Wittig Reaction. The Wittig Reaction allows the chemist to synthesize phosphoranes in the lab
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
The physical and chemical properties of water are central to all biological structure and function. The ionization ability of water to form H+ and OH- ions make it very unique. The hydrogen-ion concentration of biological system is usually preferred
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
me on the right side of the periodic table of the elements. In the year 1250 I was discovered by Albertus Magna. I am a metalloid which means that I am a semiconductor. This means that I can carry an electrical current by electron propagation or
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
methyl benzoate form benzoic acid and methanol by using the Fischer esterification method. The Fischer exterification technique is utilized in the academic and industrial settings due to the simplified synthesis and safety parameters of the overall
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
of matter even though smaller particles such as protons and electrons exist?
Everything around us is made up of atoms. The chair you sit on is made up of atoms, the pages of a book, the air you breathe, the grass, rocks, and trees out doors are all
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
water and ground water. Water that is trapped beneath the ground is called ground water. Whereas, water that is found in rivers and lakes are called surface water. Surface water, is not very high in mineral content but is exposed to many different
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
the suitability of phenolphthalein and methyl red as acid base indicators. We found that the equivalence point of the titration of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide was not within the ph range of phenolphthalein's color range. The titration
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
bond as the one formed by means of mutual bonds between atoms' exterior electrons and not possessing the directional properties. However, attempts have been made to explain directional metallic bonds, as a specific crystal metallic lattice.
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
The point of this investigation is to find out the concentration of the sulphuric acid in my experiment. I will do this by titrating the sulphuric acid with sodium carbonate.
H2SO4 + Na2CO3 à Na2SO4 + H2O + CO2
Acid + Alkali à Salt
Category: / Science & Technology / Chemistry
is purified, it is pumped through coarse screens made of metal bars
that catches large objects like bottles and cans. The screened water is then forced into a mixing tank by the pumps.
In the mixing tank, chemical called coagulants are mixed into