Essay Database

Chemistry Essays and Term Papers

Essays 161-170 of 652
Page 17
as diagram shows. The measuring cylinder must be filled with water and then inverted into the tub. 2.Measure the quantity of hydrochloric acid and marble chips to the decided amount. Add water to the acid to change the concentration to what…
There are 22 numbered pairs of chromosomes, plus two sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes in females are the two X chromosomes and in male they are an X and a Y chromosome. Human have 23 pair of chromosomes. Each chromosome has been assigned a number…
Oppenheimer was made director of the Los Alamos laboratory and conducted the Manhattan Project. His team designed two bombs, one using uranium (called "Little Boy") and one using plutonium ("Fat Man"). By early 1945, nuclear plants around the nation…
1863, a 44 year old French geologist, he created a list of the elements arranged by increasing atomic weight. The list was wrapped around a cylinder so that several sets of similar elements lined up, creating the first geometric representation of the…
in which a person's mood changes between extreme enthusiasm and depression. Bipolar disorder is also called manic-depressive illness. When manic, people with bipolar disorder feel intensely overjoyed, self-important, energetic, and irritable. When…
more in need of a non polluting fuel So, have you heard of the green house effect? Ever seen one of those shows on TV about global warming and how the oceans will rise? Just thought it would go away? Or if it was that critical the government…
is to find out the relationship between the concentration of acid and how it affects the growth of the crest seed. Theory: During the pollution topic, in acid rain, I found out that acid rain contains Sulphur Dioxide. This gas can kill plants. Acid…
and are meant to provide an overview of organic chemistry and biochemistry at a 10th grade level. 1. Explain the structure of an atom. The nucleus is the center of the atom. In the nucleus are protons (+) and neutrons (no charge). Electrons (-)…
from two different perspectives. It can be seen as a toxic gas that will kill all who inhale it for too long a period to time. Or it can be seen as the useful gas that helps the pancreases as well as many other organs when produced in the body. It all…
coke, is a covalent compound, which are molecules that consist of groups of atoms held together by covalent or coordinate bonds. In the United States cocaine is an illegal drug because of the harm it does to a human's body. It has been used for many…
Essays 161-170 of 652
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