
Famous Quotations

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«In politics we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state. When we are ill... we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one.»
«Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?»
Author: Bible | Keywords: balm, physician, recovered
«HOMILETICS, n. The science of adapting sermons to the spiritual needs, capacities and conditions of the congregation.So skilled the parson was in homiletics That all his normal purges and emetics To medicine the spirit were compounded With a most just discrimination founded Upon a rigorous examination Of tongue and pulse and heart and respiration. Then, having diagnosed each one's condition, His scriptural specifics this physician Administered --his pills so efficacious And pukes of disposition so vivacious That souls afflicted with ten kinds of Adam Were convalescent ere they knew they had 'em. But Slander's tongue --itself all coated --uttered Her bilious mind and scandalously muttered That in the case of patients having money The pills were sugar and the pukes were honey. --_Biography of Bishop Potter_»
«LOVE, n. A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder. This disease, like _caries_ and many other ailments, is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial conditions; barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food enjoy immunity from its ravages. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently to the physician than to the patient.»
«Honour a physician with the honour due unto him for the uses which you may have of him: for the Lord hath created him.»
Author: Bible | Keywords: physician
«I observe the physician with the same diligence as the disease.»
Author: John Donne | Keywords: diligence, physician
«It is as expedient that a wicked man be punished as that a sick man be cured by a physician; for all chastisement is a kind of medicine»
«Is it not also true that no physician, in so far as he is a physician, considers or enjoins what is for the physician's interest, but that all seek the good of their patients? For we have agreed that a physician strictly so called, is a ruler of bodies, and not a maker of money, have we not?»
Author: Plato (Philosopher) | Keywords: enjoins, physician, strictly
«Intemperance is the physician's provider»
«If you seek to fulfill low desires, why come here ? Come here only if you seek to earn Grace. Go to a hospital only when you are resolved to take the drug the physician prescribes and go through the regimen he lays down.»