
Famous Quotations

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«O thou undaunted daughter of desires! / By all thy dower of lights and fires; / By all the eagle in thee, all the dove; / By all thy lives and deaths of love; / By thy large draughts of intellectual day.»
«The only thing that I have ever successfully made in the kitchen is a mess. And several little fires. [Carrie]»
«Some offer their hearing and other senses [as sacrifice] in the fires of restraint, others offer sound and other objects of the senses [as sacrifice] in the fires of the senses.»
Author: Bhagavad Gita | Keywords: fires
«The pure earth that starts in fright away from the serpent, upon whom were the fires that are within the waters, she that delivers (to destruction) the blasphemous»
Author: Atharva Veda | Keywords: blasphemous, delivers, fires
«RIMER, n. A poet regarded with indifference or disesteem.The rimer quenches his unheeded fires, The sound surceases and the sense expires. Then the domestic dog, to east and west, Expounds the passions burning in his breast. The rising moon o'er that enchanted land Pauses to hear and yearns to understand. --Mowbray Myles»
«ROUNDHEAD, n. A member of the Parliamentarian party in the English civil war --so called from his habit of wearing his hair short, whereas his enemy, the Cavalier, wore his long. There were other points of difference between them, but the fashion in hair was the fundamental cause of quarrel. The Cavaliers were royalists because the king, an indolent fellow, found it more convenient to let his hair grow than to wash his neck. This the Roundheads, who were mostly barbers and soap-boilers, deemed an injury to trade, and the royal neck was therefore the object of their particular indignation. Descendants of the belligerents now wear their hair all alike, but the fires of animosity enkindled in that ancient strife smoulder to this day beneath the snows of British civility.»
«Perhaps his might be one of the natures where a wise estimate of consequences is fused in the fires of that passionate belief which determines the consequences it believes in.»
Author: George Eliot (Novelist) | Keywords: estimate, fires, fuse, fused
«Too much zeal is a bad soldier who fires before the word of command»
Author: Proverb | Keywords: fires
«Those who turn their faces away from the True Guru shall have their faces blackened. Night and day, they suffer in pain; they see the noose of Death always hovering above them. Even in their dreams, they find no peace; they are consumed by the fires of intense anxiety.»
«The body is a furnace, and the mind is the iron within it; the five fires are heating it. »

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