
Famous Quotations

Sometimes it is difficult to be motivated and inspired to write a review, a persuasive formless essay, an article of reflexive investigation, etc. Plus, it can be difficult to find the right words that will better describe your ideas. DedicatedWriters.com is your top destination, since it provides students with an updated database of more than 150.000 quotations and proverbs of famous inventors, sportsmen, philosophers, artists, celebrities, businessmen, and the authors who certainly enriched and strengthen the world. This is perfect to become inspired and write book reports, essays, movie reviews, research papers, etc.

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«I tried to stop smoking cigarettes by telling myself I just didn't want to smoke, but I didn't believe myself»
«I open up a big cabinet, and I have a collection of helmits. I put on the different helmets, and I take tree bottles of Robitussin and drink them really quickly. Then I set my hands on fire-I have to write whatever comes to mind pretty fast, before my hand burnsoff.I just let whatever comes out, comes out without thinking about it to much. Some of it I keep, some I toss out, some of it I turn into giant cigarettes and somke 'em. I think everybodu should just turn off their TV machines and make up their own songs about whatever comes to mind-their couch, their friends their loaves of bread. Everybody's got their own songs. There should be so many songs out there that it all turns into one big sound and we can put the whole thing into a pickup truck and let it roll off the edge of the Grand Canyon.»
«Cigarettes dull the faculties, stunt and retard the physical development, unsettle the mind, and rob the persistent user of will power and the ability to concentrate»
«Before the first World War women were arrested for smoking cigarettes in public, for using profanity, for appearing on beaches without stockings, for driving automobiles without a man beside them, for wearing outlandish attire (for example, shorts, s»
«I don't want my picture in any cigarettes, but I also don't want you to lose the ten dollars, so I'm enclosing my check for that sum.»
«I feel the happiest when I can light my American cigarettes with Soviet matches.»
«I'll endorse with my name any of the following; clothing AC-DC, cigarettes, small tapes, sound equipment, ROCK N' ROLL RECORDS, anything, film, and film equipment, Food, Helium, Whips, MONEY!!»
«I got addicted. News, particularly daily news, is more addictive than crack cocaine, more addictive than heroin, more addictive than cigarettes.»
«I know black women in Tennessee who have worked all their lives, from the time they were twelve years old to the day they died. These women don't listen to the women's liberation rhetoric because they know that it's nothing but a bunch of white women who had certain life-styles and who want to change those life-styles. They say things like they don't want men opening doors for them anymore, and they don't want men lighting their cigarettes for them anymore. Big deal. Black women have been opening doors for themselves and lighting their own cigarettes for a couple centuries in this country. Black women don't quibble about things that are not important.»
«How marriage ruins a man! It is as demoralizing as cigarettes, and far more expensive.»