
Famous Quotations

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Steve Wynn Quotes

«Let a real sun shine inside and burn away our sins! Fear not the actual time of day!»
Author: Steve Wynn
«Who wants to know? Like it's any of your business.... so I happen to like art work.... don't expect me to show you my magic marker collection, either.... they are for me and my special time with my Mickey Mouse ears! And some of the chicks, of course... but just the ones that I really trust, the ones that like to wear Mickey Mouse ears.... you know what I mean?»
Author: Steve Wynn
«Here we start with one question. 'Who are these people and what do they want?' The answer controls everything we do. We respond to the emotional and psychological desires of our visitors. If this place has any other redeeming feature, I don't know what it is.»
Author: Steve Wynn
«He seems to define himself all the time by saying 'better than Steve Wynn,' or 'better than the Mirage.' We, at first, were amused by this and ignored him.»
Author: Steve Wynn
«It's much more difficult to give a party than a roll of quarters. Any damn fool can hand over a roll of quarters, and we have a lot of damn fools handing over rolls of quarters.»
Author: Steve Wynn
«If Pennsylvania decided to give the tourist industry in the state a shot in the arm to build nice destination resorts, I would love to be in Pennsylvania. But right now, it's not where someone can justify a large investment. It's pretty tough to do with a 54 percent tax rate.»
Author: Steve Wynn
«It's just a shock. He was an amazing guy, a great guy. He and his wife loved life, and embraced all the good things in life.»
Author: Steve Wynn
«This is a record that was meant to be played live so I'm pretty excited about hitting the road and taking it to the stage.»
Author: Steve Wynn
«It's great to go out walking and have the whole world happen around you. I think I've written my last song from the inside of my car.»
Author: Steve Wynn
«You're encouraged when you get older to get mellow, get reflective, get laid back. I don't understand why. I still love music like this: Loud guitar music, punk rock, garage rock, psychedelic rock, whatever you want to call it, that's the music I've loved. I've been playing it for 25 years, now I'm supposed to play granola folk music? That doesn't make sense to me.»
Author: Steve Wynn