
Famous Quotations

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quran Quotes

«Have you not seen those who befriend a people with whom Allah is wroth? They are neither of you nor of them, and they swear falsely while they know.»
Author: quran
«Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment; surely what they do is evil.»
Author: quran
«They make their oaths to serve as a cover so they turn away from Allah's way; therefore they shall have an abasing chastisement.»
Author: quran
«Surely (as for) those who are in opposition to Allah and His Apostle; they shall be among the most abased.»
Author: quran
«Allah has written down: I will most certainly prevail, I and My apostles; surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.»
Author: quran
«You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His Apostle, even though they were their (own) fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their kinsfolk; these are they into whose hearts He has impressed faith, and whom He has strengthened with an inspiration from Him: and He will cause them to enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding therein; Allah is well-pleased with them and they are well-pleased with Him these are Allah's party: now surely the party of Allah are the successful ones.»
Author: quran
«Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth declares the glory of Allah, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.»
Author: quran
«He it is Who caused those who disbelieved of the followers of the Book to go forth from their homes at the first banishment you did not think that they would go forth, while they were certain that their fortresses would defend them against Allah; but Allah came to them whence they did not expect, and cast terror into their hearts; they demolished their houses with their own hands and the hands of the believers; therefore take a lesson, O you who have eyes! / And had it not been that Allah had decreed for them the exile, He would certainly have punished them in this world, and m the hereafter they shall have chastisement of the fire.»
Author: quran
«And whatever Allah restored to His Apostle from them you did not press forward against it any horse or a riding camel but Allah gives authority to His apostles against whom He pleases, and Allah has power over all things.»
Author: quran
«And those who made their abode in the city and in the faith before them love those who have fled to them, and do not find in their hearts a need of what they are given, and prefer (them) before themselves though poverty may afflict them, and whoever is preserved from the niggardliness of his soul, these it is that are the successful ones.»
Author: quran