
Famous Quotations

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Mark Warner Quotes

«The Texas thing was a bit of a spanner in the works, ... We had to go to the States and when we came back we only had six days before we went into the studio to record.»
Author: Mark Warner
«[Allen, Virginia's junior senator, slapped his arm around Warner's shoulders and sang the governor's praises:] We may be in different parties, ... but it's great, actually, for Virginians to know there is that commonality there.»
Author: Mark Warner
«We are committed to working with DEQ as we endeavor to return our plant to full service and restore electric reliability to acceptable levels, while, importantly, protecting public health and the environment.»
Author: Mark Warner
«Three and one-half years ago, Republicans promised they could cut taxes, eliminate the national debt and keep the economy booming. Instead, our country lost jobs, and we turned a $236 billion surplus into a deficit that now approaches $500 billion, ... That surplus was created in large part because Democrats in Congress -- leaders like John Kerry -- were willing to make the tough choices needed to balance budgets and rein in spending.»
Author: Mark Warner
«We will continue to move forward in developing strategies that meet the needs of our U.S. Navy partners while causing the least disruption to Virginia Beach property owners. We remain committed to ensuring the decisions we reach in Virginia are based on accurate and objective data. We repeatedly implored the BRAC commissioners to make sure their actions in regard to the former Cecil Field were based on the same level of verifiable information and analysis that they seemingly applied when examining Oceana. I agree with Mayor Peyton that it is unfortunate the BRAC Commission's actions unfairly pitted two communities against each other.»
Author: Mark Warner
«The Texas thing was a bit of a spanner in the works. We had to go to the States and when we came back we only had six days before we went into the studio to record.»
Author: Mark Warner
«The idea that the governor can't set a policy for state employees that the majority of legislators themselves have embraced makes no sense.»
Author: Mark Warner
«We estimate that families will pay about $2,400 in personal and miscellaneous expenses each year, but that's just for our school. How much a student spends will depend on the location of the school and on the student's spending habits.»
Author: Mark Warner
«Virginia is the absolute leader in homeland security and defense and information technology.»
Author: Mark Warner
«The bravery of our men and women in uniform, and their resolve, remain the world's most powerful weapon against terrorism.»
Author: Mark Warner

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