
Famous Quotations

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Marie Wilson Quotes

«Boundaries will be broken, ... and you're going to see more women in leadership roles on television and in real life. We simply want to do our part to hurry history.»
Author: Marie Wilson
«[But there are other, more troubling developments as well. Earlier this year the president of Harvard got in trouble for suggesting that women didn't have the right stuff for science (he has since apologized). Recent stories about women at elite colleges who want to ditch it all to stay home with their kids have prompted a furious debate among professional women. There is a fear that all those glass ceilings have been broken for naught and younger women who grew up with working mothers struggling to have it all have decided that the struggle just isn't worth it. Whether younger women stick with that choice is, of course, still unclear. Their future undoubtedly holds many surprises, at work and at home, just as it did for the groundbreaking generation that preceded them.] There is no real balance of work and family in America, ... You integrate work and family and do the best you can.»
Author: Marie Wilson
«Commander in Chief. So much of our perception of the ability of women to lead is shaped by what we see on films or television.»
Author: Marie Wilson
«If we really do get a president like Mackenzie Allen who is very tough without losing (her sense of) who she is, that's the kind of woman we want.»
Author: Marie Wilson
«She's never going to be perfect. And neither are the men.»
Author: Marie Wilson
«There is no real balance of work and family in America. You integrate work and family and do the best you can.»
Author: Marie Wilson
«The presence of real people like Condoleezza Rice and [former Secretary of State] Madeleine Albright has really changed people's comfort levels with women dealing with these issues,»
Author: Marie Wilson
«The presence of real people like Condoleezza Rice and (former Secretary of State) Madeleine Albright has really changed people's comfort levels with women dealing with these issues,»
Author: Marie Wilson
«It's very obvious that Sen. Clinton is a rock star, in America and around the world. I think it's obvious that (she) is positioned to run, but she has that Senate race to accomplish first.»
Author: Marie Wilson
«That whole issue of 'Can a woman be tough enough?' has plagued women candidates. That's starting to change. We've had experience with Condoleezza Rice and Madeleine Albright as secretary of State. (Shuttle commander) Eileen Collins lands on Earth and looks like she just took a Ferris wheel ride. Those things change the perception of what women can do.»
Author: Marie Wilson

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