
Famous Quotations

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Dan Dierdorf Quotes

«You go for it. All the stops are out. Caution is to the wind, and you're battling with everything you have. That's the real fun of the game.»
«As I look back on it, I know our season ended the day J.V. died because I know none of us got over it. You just lose focus. All of a sudden you find out in some ways how childish you've been in the way you've devoted your whole life to this game. Then all of a sudden it hits you that there are bigger things in play.»
Author: Dan Dierdorf
«I thought to myself at least a couple of times after a hit, 'Boy, that's going to leave a mark. I'm going to pay for that some day down the road.' We didn't talk about spinal compression. I'm sure I lost at least 2 inches in height in my career. I'm barely hanging onto 6-2 now.»
Author: Dan Dierdorf
«Just another bad play by Tommy Maddox, who had as bad a day as a quarterback can have.»
Author: Dan Dierdorf
«I guess their coaches don't have a problem with it. It is different than how it used to be, and I'm not sure I'll ever get used to watching it.»
Author: Dan Dierdorf
«It's something that traumatizes an entire team, as well it should, ... It's just not something you easily get over.»
Author: Dan Dierdorf
«Everything else is sacrificed to that end, ... But all of a sudden something like that happens, and if you have any air of intelligence, you've been shaken down to the very core of yourself. I know that happened to me; I don't know that I was ever the same after that. After that, a lot of things became clear to me outside of football. ... You have an aura of invincibility when you're a great athlete, and all of a sudden, wow ... there's a wakeup call that your aura is a fantasy.»
Author: Dan Dierdorf
«It's something that traumatizes an entire team, as well it should. It's just not something you easily get over.»
Author: Dan Dierdorf
«Everything else is sacrificed to that end. But all of a sudden something like that happens, and if you have any air of intelligence, you've been shaken down to the very core of yourself. I know that happened to me; I don't know that I was ever the same after that. After that, a lot of things became clear to me outside of football. ... You have an aura of invincibility when you're a great athlete, and all of a sudden, wow ... there's a wakeup call that your aura is a fantasy.»
Author: Dan Dierdorf
«We wanted someone who was a real industry insider, someone who could hit the ground running without a long ramp-up time. I think you'll find this is big news in the industry because she's popular and well-known.»
Author: Dan Dierdorf