Essay Database
Social Sciences Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences
I am in third grade and even i know that alcohol is bad for you. I choose not to use alcohol for several reasons. 1 because it makes your liver rot away. 2 because in the future you can have real bad health. 3 because it can kill you. Alochol is not
Category: / Social Sciences
It has been used for thousands of years to treat a
wide variety of ailments. Marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) was legal in the
United States for all purposes - industrial and recreational, as well as
medicinal until 1937.
Today, only eight
Category: / Social Sciences
used many different ways to keep tract of their students and not let anyone who is not their student on campus. Andrew Jackson, like so many other districts, started to enforce a dress code. All students must wear a white shirt and navy or kaki pants
Category: / Social Sciences
Tim Murphy
Marijuana has been used as a drug since the beginning of
time, yet there are still many mysteries about its health
effects on humans. Marijuana, or cannabis sativa, is a
preparation of the crushed flowers
Category: / Social Sciences
house, your bound to hear one of those stories about the 'Good Old Days'. Grandparents love to talk about how good life was in the 'Good Old Days'. But what was so good about the 'Good Old Days'? In this report you are about to find out.
I will
Category: / Social Sciences
have all played the greatest and most important role in society. For almost 8000 years these ingredients have been mixed and have been appreciated by all classes of society in almost all civilizations.
The old cliche "accident is the
Category: / Social Sciences
of referenda has existed for hundreds of years, coming into official use towards the end of the 19th century. There is evidence that the 'poll of the people' was used by William the Conqueror and by the Vatican in medieval times to affirm leaderships.
Category: / Social Sciences
Marijuana, if it should be legal, for medical and/or recreational purposes.
Marijuana has many names: Dope, Marihuana, Ganja, Pot Mary Jane, Cannabis Sativa (Scientific) to name a few.
Marijuana originated in the middle east (Taiwan, Korea). China
Category: / Social Sciences
of Testimony on the
Safety of Ritalin
'We give our children every day, yet we punish adults for taking speed,'
stated a concerned parent(Ritalin Zone). A trip to the principal's office used
to mean big trouble. These days, more kids are
Category: / Social Sciences
the Veterans of Foreign Wars post 3795, I could not help but wonder what type of people would be inside. I was sure that there would be men who were once gun-bearing soldiers that vowed to defend the United States no matter what the cost. I have a