Essay Database
Social Sciences Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences
school career was a project called "Helping the Children". This project was carried out at Coral Way Elementary School from January 2, 2002 to March 24, 2002. During that time I tutored six grade students in an after-school care program. Through out
Coal Mining, The living conditions of coal mining, and the life of a coal miner, balck lung disease.
Category: / Social Sciences
shocking and horrid. They lived in shacks inside their patch village (neighborhood) which was owned by the coal company. As well as the coal company owning the houses they also owned the schools the church the store where they inflated prices and
Category: / Social Sciences
and industry have always considered environmentalism a waste of time, only getting in the way of profits and production. From the perspective of business, environmentalists push for regulations and restrictions on businesses which cost them more money
Category: / Social Sciences
The United States and other governing powers leading the world into a consumer society, are keeping their wallets full by doing so, at only one cost, Armageddon. 1) Rich countries are destroying earth in order to keep themselves wealthy
Category: / Social Sciences
at the beginning. The history of the Organized labor dates back to early America.
The first factory workers were predominately immigrants, slaves and children and they were easily exploited by many factory owners. Slaves had no constitutional rights
Category: / Social Sciences
States has rapidly increased within the past fifty years? As you can see, families are splitting up left and right, mainly because couples just don't get along with each other, but a majority of it is due to domestic abuse. Domestic abuse is
Category: / Social Sciences
population residing in cities. Presently, forty-five percent of the world's population is urban. This figure represents industrial and traditional society. Urban areas make up one third of traditional society, and three fourths of industrial society.
Category: / Social Sciences
as substances that cause addictions and other significant problems for society. Arguably, alcohol falls under this category. Why should other substances be illegal and alcohol be freely and legally available.
Could it be that our government
Category: / Social Sciences
shown more examples
Tobacco in America
Everyday 3,000 children start smoking, most them between the ages of
10 and 18. These kids account for 90 percent of all new smokers. In fact,
90 percent of all adult smokers said that they first lit
Category: / Social Sciences
the greatest musical performance I've ever witnessed, a time I'll never forget.
"Where the fuck is Plattsburg, New York?" That was the main concern on a warm summer afternoon, as we began to pack up the car for a trip that will