Essay Database

Social Sciences Essays and Term Papers

Essays 211-220 of 2,136
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Category: / Social Sciences
Democrats and Republicans sling mud at one and other, constantly attempting to discredit the other party's beliefs, thoughts, and feelings? In today's political climate, and probably throughout the history of politics, the real goal for any political…
Category: / Social Sciences
should be decriminalized because it would not have a major social impact on our society. Responsible smoking, as written by the NORML Board of Directors, is said to be: adults only; no driving while under influence; set and setting; resist abuse;…
Category: / Social Sciences
men and women have used a variety of creative ways to "break the ice". I too have had my share of dealing with this fundamental part of attracting the opposite sex. It is no mystery that this is still a very difficult bridge for many to cross. Usually…
Category: / Social Sciences
are feminists in 2003 than may have been the case in the 70's and early 80's. Within this essay I will be identifying the reasons why many women are reluctant to call themselves feminists. I will look at the ideas and opinions of feminists such…
Category: / Social Sciences
society. These weapons provide nations with a common security against other unpredictable countries who are made up of much chaos. However, modern society rejects this idea as common acceptance because of the risks that can result from using these extre…
Category: / Social Sciences
without having any friends, alone is how you will live your life. Albert Camus once said "Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend." Friendships differ between people. Friendships…
Category: / Social Sciences
Thatcher .. Respect                  Many people have ideas on how to reclaim the virtue and morality that made America a great nation. However, the only sure way that everyone can achieve this goal is if parents start teaching and…
Category: / Social Sciences
things weave together to create a perfect harmony. Unfortunately, as much as we would like to think this, things do not always weave together in such perfection or closeness. In the weave of wool and silk, there will always be gaps. Just as in a weave…
Category: / Social Sciences
a phrase that reads 'I feel the need, the need for speed.' Many drivers today would agree with that phrase. Speeding is one of the most common ways that people break the law. When people break the law there are unpleasant consequences. A speeding…
Category: / Social Sciences
subject, just as it is today, and there were many arguments presented. In his argument, Gore Vidal maintains a mocking, pessimistic attitude towards the opposition as he argues for the legalization of marijuana. However, the purpose of his argument,…
Essays 211-220 of 2,136
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