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Social Sciences Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences
July of last year the debate on whether cannabis should be legalised was rekindled by the Home Secretary, David Blunkett. He announced the reclassification of cannabis from a class B drug to a class C which is the lowest classification for an illegal
Category: / Social Sciences
chemotherapy is our best-known defense against it. Cancer is defined by uncontrolled cell growth that eventually interferes with the rest of the body's functioning. Chemotherapy involves the intravenous administration of some of the most powerful
Category: / Social Sciences
use among adolescents has steadily increased over the last few decades. The United States has only four percent of the world's population, yet we consume sixty-five percent of the hard drugs (USA Today, 2002). Every year more young people are exposed
Category: / Social Sciences
Should it stay or should it go? Or should we just revise it to fit today's times? Some people are extreme to the right; others to the left, many sit on the fence, but whatever the stance, almost everyone has an opinion on affirmative action.
Category: / Social Sciences
thread seeming from a smug sweater in which our society encases itself. It illustrates the bond our society has with specific racial stereotypes, which cannot simply be removed or plucked as it would produce a void or allow the sweater to dispel to
Category: / Social Sciences
a deep impact on the affected Latin American countries. The effects rebound to the world economy and other third world countries. The shortage of suitable world market products, attractions and alternatives is why former colonies of Latin America complet
Category: / Social Sciences
extracurricular activities are less likely to consume drugs if they are subject to random drug testing. This way, a student's health can be monitored just as their education is. Conversely, random drug testing has continued to under go criticism from
Category: / Social Sciences
Terrorism is a crime usually committed by one government against another government in which they commit violent acts or use the threat of violence to create fear into its opposing government and the people that live by it. However, terrorism does
Category: / Social Sciences
morning only to find that you can't remember what happened the night before, and because of it felt like your life was becoming unmanageable and that you are just ready to give up, praying to God that if He would just help you through "this one" that
Category: / Social Sciences
Joseph Campbell said, "As a white candle in a holy place, so is the beauty of an aged face." Aging occurs throughout our journey in life. Plain and simply, we grow old. Similar to adolescence and middle age, obstacles must be faced. We ask ourselves,