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Religion Essays and Term Papers

Essays 501-510 of 3,604
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remarkable how many people insist I'm not Atheist. It seems pretty obvious to me that I don't believe any god exists, and that pretty much makes me an Atheist. Nevertheless, here these people are, so insistent that I can't possibly be an Atheist.…
this book, I became keenly aware as a Christian of my role for Christ in the workplace. I had not addressed the issue of what I as a Christian could do in the workplace except share my beliefs with others when the occassion availed itself. In…
about Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection I cannot help but wonder more about whom he is as a person. Even more importantly, what he is. I realized that people have been contemplating the make up of Jesus ever since he came to be, so many…
in captivating the cultural differences between the Algonquin Indians and the French Jesuits in the 1991 motion picture “Black Robe.” The movie is an extremely realistic representation of the clash between the two conflicting cultures and can be viewed…
backround. The Celtics are one of the main cultures to find the Druids. Druids had a major influence on the Celtics. Druids also interacted with the Celtics in order for them to merge with other tribes. Druidism has many misconceptions in the…
Stoler Miller’s translation of The Bhagavad-Gita reveals the teachings of Krishna to the Hindu people during a war in which individuals question the morality of their situation. One interesting aspect is how rulers play into the text and how the…
and it's desires pass away; but, the man who does the will of God will live Forever." — 1 John 2:17 Using literary and poetic devises to stress the importance of hope, intuition, and desire over worldly objects, The Village Atheist warns that…
an organization which devotes itself to people who have been disadvantaged in todays society. Their mission statement of then Salvation Army is "To provide assistance and resources to the Salvation Army in order that the Salvation Army is able to establ…
he describes the trials and tribulations that took place in his life on his journey to Christianity. He writes now years later, able to see the mistakes and errors he made as an adolescent and throughout his life. His writings are a way to relate…
not is as controversial as the debate of abortion. People stand firm in their beliefs on these issues. There are good reasons on both sides. Both sides of the argument have solid cases and bring in ideas that make us hesitate and take another look.…
Essays 501-510 of 3,604
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