Essay Database
Psychology Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
S. (2003). Behavioral avoidance test for childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder : a home - based observation. American Journal of Psychotherapy 57 (1). 80 - 100.
Purpose of the article :
In this article the author studied a treatment for obsessiv
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
to trust. Weather it be trust or mistrust, the infant goes through a process of learning this feeling. In order to understand how the infant learns to trust we must first understand what is important about learning trust and what kind of trust is
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
behavior of others to their internal dispositions or to their external situations. A dispositional attribution pertains to the personality of a certain person, whereas a situational attribution pertains to the environmental conditions around an event.
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
- known as the Flynn effect - causes IQ tests norms to become obsolete over time. To counter this effect, IQ tests are "renormed" (made harder) every 15-20 years by resetting the mean score to 100 to account for the previous gains in IQ scores. But
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
Draft 2 Abstract In many studies, data has been led to suggest that rational messages may encourage the generation of content based cognitive responses and lead to attitudes heavily influenced by these cognitions. Studies have
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
born on May 6, 1856 in Freiberg (now Pribor, Czech Republic). Freud was educated at Vienna University. Then him and his family moved to Leipzig from the anti-Semitic riots. His ambition in his childhood had been a career in law but then he decided to
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
is Love? Is it attraction? Is it intimacy? Is it attachment? Love, in fact, is all of these things combined together. 'Love is spiritual, not physical. It is a union of souls and hearts and minds, not something you can't put under your microscope
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
and Bowlby's Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis (1953). Following this, I aim to discuss some of the research of Michael Rutter (1976 and 1981), Tizard and Hodges (1978), and Cockett and Tripp (1994) who all challenged Bowlby's concept of Maternal
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
University, has written more that a dozen books on psychology, and his biography states he " the pioneer and leading expert in psychological profiling......" Criminal Shadows: Inside the Mind of the Serial Killer (1994) is a factual book, based
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
of deprivation on the subsequent development of children.
Bowlby (1969) argued that maternal deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy: the inability to form meaningful interpersonal relationships in later life. However, the link between