Essay Database
Psychology Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
The aim of our study was to test the matching hypothesis. My alternative hypothesis was "there will be a significant positive correlation between the rated physical attractiveness in brides and grooms in newly married couples".
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
of the Emergent Individual is superior to John Foster's Cartesian Dualism in explaining mind-body interaction. I will begin with an explanation of Cartesian Dualism and how it proposes to solve the problem of mind-body interaction. Then I will explain
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
After recently watching the movie As Good as it Gets, starring Jack Nicholson (Melvin Udall) and Helen Hunt (Carol the Waitress), I was left with the impression of a very peculiar man who had some very strange habits. During the course of the
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
theory on human motivation, specifically the Hierarchy of needs theory, and for his work with monkeys. Maslow's theory can also be defined as "intensity at a task". This means that greater the motivation, the more constant and intense one will perform
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
approaches to the study of development
The study of development is that of changes in physical, cognitive, social and emotional capabilities over time. The study is usually carried out on infants and children as their changes are faster
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
is the ability to maintain control when situations, people and events make excessive demands on your physical or mental being. This paper will detail stress by identifying the cause, prevention and avenues of alleviating tension. The capability
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
Nursing Care Study
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General Information
E.S. is a 94 year old female, born July 30, 1909. She is widowed. She is of Catholic religion.
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
behaviour? The aim of this essay is to define why one approach to psychology cannot explain the whole concept of all human behaviour. Five theorists have been chosen, each one has a differing view to psychology. This is to give a varied insight
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
19th century stress was merely known as an engineering term. But it has since been established that stress, is associated with illness and because of this, psychologists have been interested in measuring stress, and showing ways in which stress
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
asked of a newborn baby is "Is it a boy or a girl?" A fundamental part of self-concept, not just a label written on a birth certificate. The answer to this question will, however, initiate a pattern for the expected role of the newborn child.