Essay Database
Psychology Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
The Effects of Phonological and Semantic Words on False Recognition
The effects of phonological words verses semantic words, on false recognition was examined. Subjects were presented with words that sounded alike, for the…
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
culturally diverse counseling, or counseling of diverse populations most people may think of groups that differ from the dominant culture in our society, such as, race, culture, ethnicity, etc. Many people do not think beyond these categories…
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
over the Dark Wood
William Styron's fall from grace is a captivating story of the horrors of living with unipolar disorder. After recognizing the symptoms of unipolar disorder, Styron takes us through a terrifying glimpse of his battle to…
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
March 25, 1973. Three million veterans survived a tour of duty in Southeast Asia. 58,000 died there. For thousands who returned, the war was not over. Some estimates are that another 50,000 veterans have died due to psychological disorders related to…
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
on May 6, 1856, to a Jewish family in Freiberg, Moravia. Freud's father was Jakob Freud and his mother was Amalia Nathansohn. Freud had two older brothers and seven other siblings. "When Freud was four, his family moved to Vienna, Austria, where…
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
in Frankfurt, Germany, on June 15, 1902. "His biological father was an unnamed Danish man who abandoned Erik's mother before he was born. His mother, Karla Abrahamsen, was a young Jewish woman who raised him alone for the first three years of his…
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
to be one of the most ethically questionable studies in the history of psychological research. The infamous 'Little Albert' study was conducted in order to see whether the conditioning of a subject could induce phobias.
Other ethically questionable…
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
sales during the week. Naturally, most employees will try to find ways to increase sales and in turn increase their hours and paychecks. I saw my psychology experiment as an opportunity to try and increase sales. My general question was "When I wear…
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
shall see, be a complex and controversial undertaking; even the title may raise controversy: what is 'dyslexia'? Is it the same as 'specific learning difficulties'? Can it be defined as a single problem? Is there a continuum of dyslexic-type difficulties…
Category: / Social Sciences / Psychology
Some people think our dreams are meaningless, but yet why do we dream? There isn't a human being who haven't dreamed before. Everyone dreams some point in there life, some more than others but it still happens. During my research I established that…