Essay Database

Philosophy Essays and Term Papers

Essays 211-220 of 1,356
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"The world of our sight is like the habitation in prison." -Plato, The Republic (Plato, 315) I agree with Plato's statement. I agree because I have seen the parable that he is making here between the prison (cave) described in the story and…
"For as long as I think; for it might perhaps happen, if I totally ceased thinking, that I would at the same time completely cease to be." -Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy: Meditations I and II (Descartes, 26) I agree with Descartes…
1712. He was raised by his father and then later by his aunt and uncle. This all happened not long after the death of his mother. Rousseau spent most of his life in France. He was a social and political philosopher that put together enlightenment…
without the complete satisfaction of equality. Sir Isaiah Berlin once said "If you have maximum liberty, then the strong can destroy the weak, and if you have absolute equality, you cannot have absolute liberty, because you have to coerce the powerful...…
L. Simon, author of The Ultimate Resource, and David Pimentel et al., authors of the article "Impact of Population Growth on Food Supplies and Environment". The debate centers on the question: "Will the World Be Able to Feed Itself in the Foreseeable…
directly is a virtual- reality rendering, conveniently generated for us by our unconscious minds from sensory data plus complex inborn and acquired theories (i.e. programs) about how to interpret them. Deutsch, 1998, pp120 How can we be sure that…
and intellectual people of their own respective societies, have formed opinions about the mind and the soul and how it is constructed to work hand in hand. According to Plato, all individuals possess instinctive knowledge that tells us about the…
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32) Why warn at all? The first issue of concern here is the possibility of a preventable medical error occurring, namely that a patient could have a diagnosed disease and…
humans, so that the best good can be accounted for. To understand how the best good is defined, and how it is related to the function of humans, it is crucial to study the way Aristotle defines the best good. According to Aristotle, a good is the…
right to do as they please, we must have certain laws. Without these laws, the world would be an utter chaos. To have laws, you must have a government. The purpose of a government is to ensure the rights of all people to life, health, liberty, and…
Essays 211-220 of 1,356
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