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North American History Essays and Term Papers
Category: / History / North American History
history since the beginning of our time. America won its independence from Great Britain to become a free nation. America has been participants in many foreign wars to help defend against who we thought were the enemy. Two such wars struck American
Category: / History / North American History
to Vote" speech in 1873 started a long, drawn out campaign for women's rights. Her speech helped get all women the right to vote, finally, in 1920. But how did her speech do that? What techniques persuaded people to think about giving women the right
Category: / History / North American History
A Call for the Restoration of Justice
Alcoholism is a disease. This disease plagues the Native American population in America to an astonishing degree. "Alcohol affects Native Americans disproportionately; the 1992-1994 age-adjusted alcoholism
Category: / History / North American History
"Suicide is the third leading cause of death... in the United States." [Borowsky et al., 574] However, "[s]uicide rates for American Indians and Alaska Natives...are two to three times higher than the national average." [Keane et al., 735] The proble
Category: / History / North American History
an arbitrary ruler-whether Parliament or King-was violating their inherent rights, to feel that rebellion was justified. This conviction was bred in them by the series of events that occurred between 1763 and 1776. The language used to protest the Britis
Category: / History / North American History
This fact has haunted America and her citizens since the end of the end of the Vietnam War. Just as the British were completely humiliated by losing the American Revolution to an inferior army, so was the United Sates about Vietnam. The reasons
Category: / History / North American History
many striking similarities between President John F. Kennedy and President Abraham Lincoln. Some may call it coincidence, but there are definite comparisons that can be made between the two.
First of all the names Kennedy and Lincoln each contain
Category: / History / North American History
era in the late 1800's. The phrase originally began with Mark Twain. Gilded means "covered with a thin layer of gold," and so the Gilded Age implied that while this time period seemed to be a prosperous one for America, only a thin layer of prosperity
Category: / History / North American History
Hollywood film Saving Private Ryan, directed by Steven Spielberg, may be a fictional film, however the events therein and storyline are based on actual historical events. Historical events are evident from the onset of the movie. The movie begins
Category: / History / North American History
to are not the men losing blood in this battle at Gettysburg. The men losing their lives in this war are men fighting for what they believe in, for the benefit of their suggested equals. Stepping forward, and then looking back; these memories,