Essay Database

North American History Essays and Term Papers

Essays 291-300 of 2,530
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Adams" John Adams was one of the most remarkable minds in US history. He had played huge roles in the early development of our country, and had a great impact on creating what is now our US constitution. Among the many remarkable achievements Adams…
Considered by some to be one of the greatest American novels of all time, F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" contains some of the most unique and interesting features, such as its narration form and literary techniques. In this novel, Fitzgerald…
        Benjamin Franklin had many 'occupations.' Some of these were a printer, a diplomat, a scientist, an inventor, a philosopher, an educator, and a public servant. Ben organized the first library in America. He helped draft the Declaration…
in the United States before it was abolished, will forever be a black mark in our history. It is easy now to look back and realize the hypocrisy of a society striving for freedom to practice slavery, the same way we also pass judgments on societies…
the seperate footnote list for details. The Affects of The Vietnam War on U.S. Foreign Policy and The Media As men were gruesomely slaughtered and women and children savagely massacred in Vietnam, the citizens of the U.S. sat cozily in their…
what an american really is? Or what kind of qualities an american has? American's have different qualities. Some, of the qualities some American's have may fit, your idea on what an American is, and for others it might be the complete opposite.…
office as the thirty-second president of the United States of America on March 4, 1933, the country's economy was in shambles. It was FDR's job to fix that. While he pledged to help the country get back on its feet economically, another person made…
United States. He would rather mold history than let history mold itself. John Kennedy was born in Brookline, MA in 1917. His mother was Irish and his father was a graduate of Harvard University and had entered the business world. After their arrival…
"The Electors shall meet in their respective States and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President" (Amendment XII: to Article II, Section 3 of U.S. Constitution). These words would differentiate the United States from all other countries…
troops fired at Fort Sumter, an U.S. military post in Charleston, South Carolina. Those shot started one of Americas most remembered wars. The Civil war, a war fought between Americans in the north and Americans in the south, lasted nearly 4 years,…
Essays 291-300 of 2,530
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