Essay Database
Literature Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Literature
make the ending scene dramatically effective?
At the end of act two, Priestley uses several techniques in order to make the scene dramatically effective. The carefully written script creates an atmosphere of suspense and tension. The techniques
Category: / Literature
outstanding men of letters. He found great success as a novelist, a poet, a critic, and a scholar, and enjoyed a career showered with acclaim. He won two Pulitzer Prizes, was Poet Laureate of the United States, and was presented with a Congressional
Category: / Literature
this is extremely apparent throughout Homer's epic The Odyssey. On countless occasions total strangers are welcomed into a host's house and given before their names are even known. The idea of guest friendship is one of the strongest themes in the epic.
Category: / Literature
'Oedipus the King', he and his fate are seen as "Luckless" (Ln 1195) and objects to "envy not at all" (Ln 1196). But what was it that caused this man to sleep with his mother and slay his father? What was it that Oedipus fell victim to? Was it the
Category: / Literature
In this essay I will attempt to compare and contrast the poem "Meeting at Night" by Robert Browning with "Resolution and Independence" by William Wordsworth. I shall begin by analysing the poems and looking for three similarities and differences,
Category: / Literature
man has been fascinated with that presence which illuminates, yet cannot be touched. Mankind has brought it into his religions, giving it a great deal of importance in his creed. Following in the footsteps of his ancestors, Nathaniel Hawthorne
Category: / Literature
It's a very effective and detailed poem. It works on a number of different levels and can have a number of different meanings. It deals with issues of death and sorrow. It's about a man who had just lost his wife, and his inner feelings and memories.
Category: / Literature
story, "Young Goodman Brown," depicts the internal conflicts of the young, naïve, Puritan, Goodman Brown. Hawthorne aptly named his characters, to convey their innocent nature. Brown and Faith are newlyweds enjoying a happy life in a small Salem village
Category: / Literature
with his brother Sinbad develops in relation to the many outside influences and occurences which surround their lives. In particular Paddy´s relationship with his friends and his parents relationships with each other.
To begin with Paddy sees his
Category: / Literature
comical story, but also to show the audience what the playwrights were trying to express. Specifically, in narrative comedic texts such as Molierre's "Tartuffe" written physical language are used to carry the plots as well as expose humor, arrogance,