Essay Database
Literature Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Literature
"A Child Called 'It.'" This novel is about one of the inferior cases of child abuse in the state of California. The author of this novel, David Pelzer, provides a detailed outline of his terrible life, growing up the son of an alcoholic mother,
Category: / Literature
"Beauty and the Beast." This story is about a beast that falls in love with a young girl ready to give her own life for her father. It is filled with romance and aggression. It connects ugliness and beauty. This story states that even the most
Category: / Literature
affected by his chaotic life involving death after death around him. His obsession with "death" results in writing many mysteries or stories involved with murder, disease, suicide, etc. Some of his writings are very astonishing and sometimes
Category: / Literature
Prynne, the protagonist, is the strongest and most courageous. But, that is not to say that she is unsusceptible to change. Over the course of the novel, Hester remains unchanged in some areas, such as strength and honesty, but her beauty and social
Category: / Literature
that I haven't been over his place to hang out in a
while and that I should come over and watch the game that was going to be on. A
football game if I recall correctly. Immediately I thought of the last time I was at his
house. I thought of
Category: / Literature
Challenger and champion,
They fought a war for honor
Fierce, sharp, but with no honor;
Each had a simple aim and sought it quickly.
The combat over the victor sailed away
Broken, but placid as the gift of swans,
Leaving his rival to his shame
Category: / Literature
undoubtedly one of William Shakespeare's greatest characterizations. The overall appeal Hamlet has to an audience or reader almost definitely stems from his many human weaknesses. The best known is indecisiveness, but his inconsistency is a more outstand
Category: / Literature
Utopia, the author, Thomas More, uses the main character Hythloday to express his criticism of 16th century European society and suggests a revolutionary social system of equality, freedom, and happiness. More's radical ideas of social, political,
Category: / Literature
the book in so many ways. First I must say that in the end the pigs became what they hate. The pigs slowly became just like Jones throughout the book. They even broke their own thought up commandments and changed them. They believed they were more
Category: / Literature
that takes place in London nine years after the conclusion of World War II. Post-war conflict had struck after that ("the last bomb of the first blitz") and because of this, situations such as the destruction of Old Misery's house occurred. The story