Essay Database

Literature Essays and Term Papers

Essays 391-400 of 5,355
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Category: / Literature
of women authors, Kate Chopin (1850 -1904), "The Awakening", Charlotte Perkins Gilman's (1860-1935), "The Yellow Wallpaper", and Edith Wharton's (1862-1937) "Souls Belated", many common social issues related to women are brought to light, and though…
Category: / Literature
was diseases during Shakespeare's time period. I chose the Bubonic Plague as my main subject, because it put a huge impact in Europe at the time. I've tied another bacteria, called Anthrax with the Bubonic Plague to show how much they have in common,…
Category: / Literature
story of Sammy, a young checker at a local grocery store, who is preoccupied by his youthful contempt for his social standing which ultimately, leads him to an impulsive, life-changing decision. Three young girls enter the A&P on a rather slow Thursd…
Category: / Literature
tells the story of a middle-aged white lady, the descendant of an aristocratic slave-holding family in the deep south, that is on a journey to the YWCA to attend a "reducing class" that was recommended to lower her blood pressure. She insists…
Category: / Literature
aristocratic values can cause one to embrace greed and personal gain, indirectly blinding the view of what really matters. In this society, social status is of the utmost importance. In "The Rocking Horse Winner" written by D.H. Lawrence, a family…
Category: / Literature
community are not straightforward and sometimes can be overlooked. However small, they should not go unnoticed. I have not spent hours in a soup kitchen or in a nursing home, but have helped my school and community in my own special way. Not only…
Category: / Literature
qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another. In a sense I do completely agree with this statement, but I personally, would define it as something else. Character, to me, is who a person really is and what they…
Category: / Literature
achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted." For me there are many different levels of success. I consider success something that you work hard for, whether is be getting a good grade on a paper or in a class. Or maybe it's winning in…
Category: / Literature
of a family in Brooklyn. Arthur Miller at first makes life seem simple and easy in their little home. Eddie is the compassionate uncle who cares for his niece and his wife Beatrice. Like anyone that lives together Eddie and Catherine have their small…
Category: / Literature
and symbolism to show the negative effects of stifling conformity verses the positive empowerment found in embarrassing one’s own truth. He tries to impress upon his readers that an outsider whether from another physical location, or simply someone…
Essays 391-400 of 5,355
Page 40