Essay Database

Film & TV Essays and Term Papers

Essays 261-270 of 1,236
Page 27
is a film in which a beautiful woman (Reese Witherspoon) defies the convention of the 'dumb blonde' to become a top lawyer. Colour is very important for the formation and connoted meaning of the character's femininity. The poster is designed…
of America and Iraq is in my opinion a moral war. The war was started because the political actions between the two countries were unsuccessful. The United Sates tried to negotiate with Iraq but failed. Iraq was also said to be harboring illegal nuclear…
Sunday morning I notice my parents and two younger sisters flipping between reruns of the winter X Games on ESPN 2 and NASCAR on ESPN. Normally, this average American habit of channel surfing wouldn't stop my pursuit for breakfast, yet today…
people see many different things. Whether it be flying cars, buildings floating in the air, or people walking around in space suits, everyone has their own idea. Most of the time when people look into the future they look far into it, not in the…
Firm is a drama based on an desire to escape from the law firm (Berndini, Lambert, and Lock) from which he was hired. The relatively small but wealthy firm wines and dines the ambitious Harvard Law Graduate's (played by Tom Cruise) with money and gifts…
first time, the film did not strike me as particularly complex. Nothing specific about the film lodged itself in my brain screaming for an answer--or, at least, an attempted answer. Yet, upon subsequent viewings, subtle things became more…
First they start with simple comic books and when it becomes popular, the comic strips become a television series. When the television series is making their way to the top, it finally becomes a movie for young children who idolize the superhero.…
beautiful and brilliantly made film in its own right. If, however, the team of Orson Welles and Greg Toland had produced the same film it would take on an entirely different look and feel. The film would reflect Wells love for creating physical represe…
film as a process and not just a finished product seems to have been around since the very beginnings of film. Buster Keaton, for example, used this idea in his films, therefore making the audience aware of the illusion of film. His somewhat unconventi…
of movie making. From Orson Wells tearing up his estranged wives room in Citizen Kane to Anthony Perkins slicing up Vivian Leigh in Psycho, violence has always been present in film in one form or another. It was not until the late sixties and seventie…
Essays 261-270 of 1,236
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