Essay Database
Film & TV Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
film adoption to Ken Kesey's novel One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, the character Randall McMurphy brings the hospital to life with his ability to undermine the rules and regulations of his ward. After being sent to jail for alleged statutory rape,
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
Front & We Were Soldiers
The Novel " All Quiet on the Western Front" and the movie "We were soldiers" starring Mel Gibson are both stories about the war. The both have similar and different Themes, Protagonists and Plots. The brutalities
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
to do a close analysis of the book "Great expectations" by Charles Dickens. I compared it to the modern day (1997) adaptation into film. The scene I choose to look at was the opening scene of the film and the book, which gives us a useful introduction
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
Hamlet (Warner Brothers, 1990)
Hamlet (Columbia Pictures, 1996)
Hamlet (Double A Films, 2000)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Cinecom Pictures, 1990)
A Hawk from a Handsaw: Hamlet in Film
"I am but mad north-north-west:
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
I'm of a double mind about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. To be fair, I may be of a triple or quadruple mind. My inner child, which went to see the movie with my sons on opening weekend, enjoyed it without reservation. But my
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
Director/producer: Steven Spielberg. Cinematographer: Janusz Kaminski. Writer: Robert Rodat. Editor: Michael Kahn. Music: John Williams. Dreamworks.
In September 1998, Steven Spielberg received the Knight Commander's Cross of the Order of
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
extremeley sophisticated view points on the movie
Most likely written by some kind of nut, the film Powder is indeed strange. Powder is the story of an albilno completely hairless teenager who has the power to use an extraordinary amount of his brain
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
life. Very well done
Charles Foster Kane - Who Was He?
The story of Citizen Kane drew many people to the theatres since they wanted to find out who this Kane fellow is or was. It is unarguably one of the best films ever produced.
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
we see the boys almost innocent as
they sit in class. The teacher in this scene is pressuring the boys to go to war. He preaches
that it is their 'duty' to fight. The teacher seems very pushy and strict. He is especially
strict with Paul,
Category: / Arts & Humanities / Film & TV
of the Third Kind
What do you get when you combine aliens, a little bit of mystery, tasteful
comedy, good acting, and award-winning direction? A wonderful film from one of the
most celebrated directors of our time, Stephen