Essay Database

European History Essays and Term Papers

Essays 291-300 of 1,970
Page 30
Europe shaped the mass opinions of the people at large, by giving them the sense of unity within the nation, that no matter where you were on the hierarchy, you were still above someone else. The biological and moral perceptions used to justify…
noble patriotism, to fight for honour and prestige to protect your nation. Only to find out with the sacrifice of your life that such a romantic ideal is an illusion. The illusions of heroic, noble and enthusiastic notions that people believed…
of Russia is coupled to the Westernization of Russia and its rise as a great power. Peter was born in Moscow through the second marriage of his father, Alexis I. Alexis I. ruled Russia from 1645 to 1676, and in his first marriage had produced…
disease carried by rats and transmitted by fleas. People infected would either suffer from great swelling, or die quickly, before any obvious symptoms appears, or die after suffering from symptoms such as a sudden fever that turns their face a dark rose…
of the three informal "triumvirs" who helped bring an end to the Republic, unlike Pompey and Caesar, is a man about whom not much is known. Unlike his counterparts, little has been written about him, either at the time of his life or in more contempora…
most well known of ancient historical figures. In his life he gained recognition as a general, a politician and a reformer. Both ancient and modern historians have written widely on Caesar's achievements. Whilst there remains a constant in these works…
public justification for the dismemberment of the Czech state through either war or diplomacy was the plight of the 3.5 million ethnic Germans the Treaty of Versailles had left inside Czechoslovakia. The main land that Hitler wanted to annex to Germany…
the world from the ancient times in history to what we now consider modern history. It is considered to be more of a period of growth than decline. Without the Middle Ages the world would not have developed and made the grand leap into the Renaissance…
war against the King of Hungary and Bohemia, for plotting aggression. They declared war in the name of the French nation in defence of liberty; it began the first 'War of the People's' in the Modern world. Only 7 deputies voted against the war,…
During this time, the Soviet Union was preparing for war, believing this to be inevitable as the Nazi threat continued. More and more resources were poured into the military and war related industry. This five-year plan was cut somewhat short…
Essays 291-300 of 1,970
Page 30