Essay Database
European History Essays and Term Papers
Category: / History / European History
the Great in 323 BC and lasted until the true establishment of the Roman Empire upon the death of Cleopatra in 30 BC. The method of warfare in ancient Greece, and the world, consisted of arrows, spears, swords, axes and shields. Because of its ease
Category: / History / European History
his vocation as a monk with his duties as an office holder in the Roman Empire?
Gregory The Great, according to Arthur L. Frothingam, in his book "The Monuments of Christian Rome" describes Gregory's life as a monk at St. Andrew's monastary as "the
Category: / History / European History
the plague had on later medieval European society?
"...The Black Death of 1348...casused an effect on all facets of life...was probably the most important event of fourteenth-century history..."
Yves Renouard
"...Ministers and executors...were
Category: / History / European History
Five Year Plan was complete, the peasants had been collectivised and Stalin was the 'boss' and firmly in control. However, there was still a little opposition in the Communist Party and a Party member called Ryutin circulated criticism of Stalin and
Category: / History / European History
peace treaty in Paris bringing to end a state of warfare that had existed between the two countries since 1180. In doing so they had laid a cornerstone to a further 250 years of dynastic and feudal conflict between the two countries and the Hundred Years
Category: / History / European History
was robust, athletic, and handsome. He was the descendent of Louis IX, the leader of the House of Bourbon.
Henry was born in Bearn in 1553. He got power by his family. Henry was the third son of Antoine de Bourbon and Jeanne D'albret, daughter and
Category: / History / European History
power struggle? Did he have already 'total powers' by 1933?
This essay describes Stalins manipulative ability that he utilised to gain power in the USSR. It describes how he demoralised and defamed his contenders due to his desire to grasp totalitar
Category: / History / European History
This essay gives a brief ouline of Karl Marx's life and history, including his long life friendship with Frederick Engels. It lists some of his works, and contains quoting from the communist manefesto - Marx and Engels most inspiring work.
Category: / History / European History
to it evolving. But only three were the most important. The influence dates back all the way to the Age of Enlightenment, the ideas definitely had an effect on the French citizens. The American Revolution ties with the Enlightenment as well.
Category: / History / European History
St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, St. Benedict, St. Boniface and St. Gregory to the foundation of medieval Christendom."
By translating and continuing the works of the Greek models St. Jerome laid solid foundations in Western Europe for the general