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European History Essays and Term Papers
Category: / History / European History
for some of the greater countries in the world. For these countries to aspire into greatness they needed great leaders that had great qualities. So who would be a great leader to bring a country back into greatness? A humiliating defeat in World
Category: / History / European History
ha makes use of our legs instead of our bayonets...
Anonymous French soldier, 1805
Napoleon har ofta ansetts vara en av tidernas största fältherrar. Han kunde tack vare sin utomordentliga skicklighet inom krigskonsten vinna slag där
Category: / History / European History
Catherine II's achievements are often seen as simple extensions of the politics and ideas set in place by Peter I, two generations earlier. However, Catherine tried hard to merit the title 'reformer' in her own right.
One of the biggest projects that
Category: / History / European History
was the outbreak of the bubonic plague. It ravaged Europe between 1347 and 1353 killing 25 million people, approximately one-third of the population. Such a vast amount of people died that it took the following two centuries to regain Europe's original
Category: / History / European History
1600. At birth, Charles was not directly in line to inherit the throne. He had an older brother, Henry, who later died in 1612, giving Charles direct line to the throne. Charles was crowned king on March 27th 1635, after the death of his father. Although
Category: / History / European History
on May 24th, 1819. She was the only child of Edward Duke of Kent. Her father died before Victoria was a year old and was brought up by her strict German mother. She was christened Alexandria Victoria and was not permitted to learn that she was to
Category: / History / European History
to the mismanagement of the Directory, Frances governmental body. Since the country was in dire straits, Napoleon Bonaparte seized power of the Directory. His other motivations in seizing power was to strengthen the gains of the French Revolution
Category: / History / European History
were brought by the East India Company, which were run my Indian princes that were protected by the British. The East India Company established many things for India including telegraph, railroad, and irrigation systems. It also set up a large
Category: / History / European History
French Revolution. It was one of the causes that eventually lead to the Revolution.
One cause that led to the revolution was the peasants. They were getting tired of being heavily taxed by the monarch and the nobility and also the church. Taxation
Category: / History / European History
falling asleep to gunshots and waking up to the thud of a violent grenade. She risks her life on a daily basis just to fetch food and water, always fearful to go outside. She does not know what is going on and this makes her even more terrified. After