Essay Database
European History Essays and Term Papers
Category: / History / European History
Carlos Williams was a member of the Lost Generation. The people of this generation began expressing the same feelings during and after WW1. They would express their feelings through written pieces, or art. Williams expressed his
feelings and concerns…
Category: / History / European History
was born in Medellin, Extremadura, Spain in 1485. Cortes was of low Spanish nobility. His name is pronounced as [kohr-tez', air-nahn']. Cortes has many different names like Hernan Cortes, Hernando Cortes and Hernando Cortez. Cortes had many names but…
Category: / History / European History
of Peter the Great and Catherine I. Empress Elizabeth was as devoted to Russia as her father but lacked his European tastes and education. Her reign of power was a decadent affair involving endless shopping trips, palaces, hunting expeditions and…
Category: / History / European History
Efimovich Rasputin
By Bijan Adatia
No other figure in recent Russian history has received the amount of vilification and contempt heaped upon Gregory Rasputin. The self-styled monk, who received practically little education in the intricacies…
Category: / History / European History
by ideological zeal, Lenin reshaped Russia and made communism into a potent global force.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not long after the Bolsheviks had seized power in 1917, Vladimir Ilyich…
Category: / History / European History
The French Revolution of 1789 had many causes, both short and long term. Thanks to inapt ruling for the better part of the century, France was in disarray financially, and thus, as so much depends on the economy, in most other ways as well. However,…
Category: / History / European History
People, by ASA Briggs, tells a unique story about the mid- Victorian period of England from 1851 to 1867 and is very successful in showing unity among it's people, their thoughts and ideas. The period begins with the Great Exhibition of 1851 and ends…
Category: / History / European History
taking men into their service, generally involving the payment of fees and sometimes the granting of a distinctive badge or uniform (livery).
This practice served the king, in that it allowed him to recruit armies more easily, by making contracts…
Category: / History / European History
They helped Italy and a wide range of European countries develop and drift away from the beliefs of the Catholic Church during the beginning of the fifteenth and end of the sixteenth century. They also have helped develop today's society.
Category: / History / European History
the word barbarian, we tend to envision a people with clubs, and hatchets of enormous size that would pillage the surrounding country and all that lived therein. Some of that may be true, but there was much more to it than that. Some of the main features…