Essay Database
Education Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
the constant theme of death is inherently apparent. Each main character, either by a spear or merely a scratch from an arrow, was wounded or killed during the progression of the story. For Zeus' son, Sarpedon, it was a spear through the heart, and…
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
used to sell GI Joes since the 1964 release of the action figure. The real American hero of what? The action figure is based off of a cartoon that's not real and the antagonist of the program has nothing to do with the enemies of America. The Barbie…
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar
Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar was born in Rome on November 16, 42 BC. Four years after his birth his mother divorced his father and married Octavian. Tiberius was a descendant…
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
are divided everyday and the circumstances vary, but they still cause traumatic behavior toward those who are irate about
their families separating. It seems to be a dilemma for parents that no longer acquire each others' company to make choices…
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
could be stronger on support
Stubbornness could be a virtue, but many times it could be a fatal flaw. In the play Antigone by Sophocles, the heroine displays her obstinacy which ultimately results in death…
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
OF ANCIENT ATHENS. It was for a World History book report. Very good, insightful, not too much or too little information
The Business Life of Ancient Athens is an informative book about different aspects of Ancient businesses and Ancient ways of…
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
hope you get good use from it!! Excellent writing & research job. Excellent choice of detail & anecdotes. Several small things on the format. Need page #'s in your end notes, as explained on that page. Overall - excellent.
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
This actually takes up 3-4 pages depending on the font size you use, and assuming you double space it and put it into normal paragraph form. Excellent, other misc. B. S.
Dionysus was the most widely worshipped and popular…
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
a play by Sophocles, is a detective murder-mystery. It is the story of Liaus, a murdered king, and his sworn avenger, Oedipus. Oedipus, husband of Jocasta (Liaus's widow) is the current king of Thebes. The city is suffering under a terrible plague.…
Category: / Social Sciences / Education
Mizov One of the greatest city states of all time was the city state of Athens from which we take many of our modern ways. Their government was a full democracy in which they had an assembly was all male citizens over 25 years old,…