Essay Database

Creative Writing Essays and Term Papers

Essays 821-830 of 2,899
Page 83
family, and friendship. These are values that I think will make life better and easier for a person. They make me feel secure and prepared for the future. Without these things I probably wouldn't care about anything at all. My values were all…
a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods. 2. A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his…
For me it is a way to get away from everything that is happening in my life. When camping things are so relaxing and beautiful. When camping with my family I am always woke up by the smell of breakfast cooking over an open fire. I get dressed…
outside on their front porch staring up at the stars, not looking around at all of the stars just staring at one particular spot in the sky. So she asked her mother, "Why are you always staring up at the stars in the sky." She told her daughter, "I…
Eric Kasum Advisor: Rachel Pollack Goddard College February 21, 2004 - Winter/Spring I first heard about Silent Joe at the Bare Bones Writers Retreat, held in the mountains above San Diego by the Sisters In Crime. T. Jefferson Parker, its…
the dusty air. The desolate dirt track was hidden by falls giant orangey red hands, which crunched under foot. The dry Autumn chill was lingering as the last of the summers heat grew weary. The days were diminishing, forever shorter. The sun sank…
middle of know where it bagan to rain a tremendous amout. The trees 2.began sway back and forth. The storm became so strong it blew power lines down. While the heavy 4.rain continued, thunder and lighning had came about also. …
passage "The End of Play," written by Marie Winn, she talks about the disappearance of the traditional make-believe, jump-rope, and ball bouncing play activity. Instead of the ancient traditional games, they prefer activities in the house. Being…
day it all began. The bomb went off in Washington. People ran, fled, some stayed on in awe and sadness, unaware of the radiation sickness from a dirty bomb breaking through the ranks of their immune system. New York became a ghost town, as the population…
phrase that many of us used to say while we were young. When we knew that someone was lying, this phrase could be heard coming to expose the liar and their dishonesty. Lying is a common human action that people perform for many reasons, ranging…
Essays 821-830 of 2,899
Page 83