Essay Database
Creative Writing Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
I had to come home because my mother wanted me to do the dishes before I started babysitting. As I finished the dishes my mother started yelling at me for taking to long to walk across the street to do the dishes. Then I went back across the street…
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
thing looks different. Nothing seems complete anymore. Ever since Dad left a few weeks ago, things haven't been the same. Now, Mom is always drinking, yelling and throwing things. Home just isn't a place I want to be anymore.
I can't help but think…
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
straw. Was it really going to happen today like that old man said? He stood up and hobbled to the doorway of his family's clay house, and looked up. He's probably right, thought the boy. The sky had been dark for almost a week now. It started off timid,…
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
novel was extremely rewarding to read, as you got to experience personal accounts of afflictions like racism and develop a very good understanding of its implications. Gordon broaden my horizon. She wrote about the rash times of the unjust policy…
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
a Friday night. The full moon was shining through the bare branches making scary shadows on our path as we walked. A cool light wind was blowing sending leaves dancing noisily in the forest floor. I remember thinking to myself that the night, was the…
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
time. It is a time when I can escape the stress of my everyday life and relax my body and mind. My grandmother's house in Florida is where I can accomplish that peace of mind. The weather, surroundings, and feelings experienced are only some of…
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
transit bus is often an uncomfortable excursion. For some, the transit bus system is our only means of transportation. Consequently, public bus passengers are exposed to various undesirable conditions. This paper will depict those uncomfortable situat…
For English class- Was to make a proposal trying to persuade someone to make something for efficient
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
my workplace suggesting the change of commission reports. I work in the cellular business and putting up a certain quota of cellular service sales at the end of each month is demanded. There are three employees at my location and to keep track of each…
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
Languages by definition can be classified as a communication among human beings that is characterized by the use of arbitrary spoken or written symbols with agreed-upon meanings. More broadly, language may be defined as a communication…
Category: / Literature / Creative Writing
question, similar in nature to the age-old question. What came first, the chicken or the egg? What is intelligence? Intelligence is the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge, as well as the faculty of thought and reason. I feel that…