Essay Database

Creative Writing Essays and Term Papers

Essays 621-630 of 2,899
Page 63
High School has good intentions for the students they are preparing for graduation. Although they try hard to prepare students for the real world and make them better citizens through the process, it seems as if they have a sort of tunnel vision…
the factory danced. He tapped his little metal toe off beat and turned down all the lady-bots that asked him to boogie. Oh, how he yearned to be in the spotlight twisting his metal torso from side to side with the tempo, but the last time he tried…
Pan. I can relate so much of my personality to Peter's whimsical desire to remain a child forever. I have met many adults throughout my lifetime that have appeared unhappy and jaded; they lacked the spark that young kids carry. Peter's fantasy has…
hairs on his arms and the back of his neck standing at attention. He knew at that instant that he discovered the Perfect Crime. Smiling, he nodded his head, and turned off the recorder. He heard enough. The Final Detail clinched it. Grabbing the phone…
of a Christmas bell given to me by a sixth grader by the name of Charles. On the back of the portrait is written, "You are the best sub ever." I discovered the picture on my desk on the last day of substituting for that class. I had been there a week.…
Tournament Wormtail reached for the dead body of the old short man, grimacing as he struggled to pick up the heavy body. "Leave him be, there is planning to be done," Lord Voldemort said while gazing into the fire before him. "As you wish,…
up to 62.7 percent, this was the highest it has been in years! When I first saw this fact I knew something would have to be done about it. This high pregnancy rate in teenagers is in fact a major problem, because teenagers are not responsible enough…
who walks around in a short skirt, with her pony tail bobbing from side to side, and a grin that is as phony as her attitude. An airhead whose only response is "Ready?", "Okay!"; whose only physical coordination involves clapping her hands and stomping…
no opportunities for the medical field to advance its technologies. Unfortunately I was born there. To make it even worse I came down with a fever when I was one. I was so sick that I had to receive a blood transfusion from my mother. However, in many…
an English: Literature major has almost come to a close so quickly. My path has been a smooth and enjoyable one, and it is with great sadness that I begin to gather up the ends of my literary education. I know that I will continue to grow and develop…
Essays 621-630 of 2,899
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