Essay Database

Creative Writing Essays and Term Papers

Essays 551-560 of 2,899
Page 56
and stature stood, leaning down to look into my face. A pitiful scream erupted from my throut. I scrambled back and reached behind me for the brass doorknob, never taking my blue eyes off the giant of a man.         He reached his hand out for…
water; it's a feeling you want to go away, but sticks and sticks like glue on paper. You try to pull it off, but it just ends up tearing. Tearing through everything that you have worked to make right. A young girl, Christine by name, walks this shadow…
seeing many forms of patriotism. I believe that patriotism is actively showing your support for your country by standing up for your beliefs, showing honor and respect for our soldiers, and staying loyal to our president. By saying "standing up for…
in front of us. The fog swirls through the trees while the sun rises in its dimmed brilliance. Cars passing, going on their own journeys Are their hearts just as heavy? A trip that's forced upon us yet needed if he is to heal mentally. Will this…
their computer, trying to think of the words, the words they need to complete their process-analysis essay. They waited too long to do it, and now they wonder; how they will survive? So there you are, twelve o'clock on a Wednesday night, without one…
Jones This is a movie about a mother, Doris, who has four children. The movie is based around her two son's Derrick and Danny. Derrick is the oldest, an "A" student, who thrives for knowledge. Danny, her younger son, worships the ground his older…
car As far as I can remember I loved cars, especially fast cars. I always told my mom that my first car was going to be very nice. When it was time for me to buy car I needed to decide what make and model I wanted, how I was going to pay for it, and…
of a theoretical school system that our educational system should strive to achieve. This new system will be based on equality and every single child will have an opportunity to receive the best possible education. However, this system will never lower…
writes about a character named Simon Darcourt who is a Professor of Greek and Latin and is on the board of Directors of the Cornish Foundation. He is also a self-diagnosed "boozer" who hopes to help a young woman's dream come true by giving her a scholar…
Barry Unsworth, there are very many beautifully vivid and descriptive passages. The most effective passages are those that foreshadow1 events to come. This passage is specifically foreshadowing the protagonist Nicholas Barber, a runaway priest, and the…
Essays 551-560 of 2,899
Page 56