Essay Database

Creative Writing Essays and Term Papers

Essays 351-360 of 2,899
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expecting one or two pretty decent teachers, and then a few teachers that they don't exactly get a long with. If you're lucky, you get have the opportunity to work with a teacher that will have an impact on you for the rest of your life. I was privileg…
about your moral values is on an unpredictable level. In the essay, The Lesson, Miss Moore teaches the kids what they desperately need to know the most. The lesson, in my opinion, is to have a realistic awareness of people in the real world. Whether…
definition states that love is; 1. Intense affection, 2. A feeling of attraction resulting from sexual desire, and 3. Enthusiasm or fondness. Although these definitions are all true there is a deeper meaning to this word, this word can be a feeling,…
in Italy with my dad for a year, my 4th grade year to be exact. I was used to the spring smell and dewy grass along the hilly countryside. I arrived back to my real home, Fort Worth, Texas, two weeks before I would start 5th grade. During this stage…
where the Gods and Goddesses live, it wasn't a very pleasant place. It was dull, gloomy, pale, and sad, peoples' faces never had a smile on. No one cared for each other. Alpan, a young soon-to-be goddess at the time, one day asked her mother "What…
is a dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is a dream in which life is full of joy and prosperity, a place where problems are solved, and where new lives are begun. It's a place where freedom strives, a place where you can be whatever…
Everything was happening too soon. I pictured my little boy... sitting by the window... watching... waiting for his mother to walk through the rusty door. I squeezed my eyes tightly, trying not to think about it. Hot, salty tears stained my discolored…
pass me by. The good and bad just slipped through my hands and was carried away by the strong breeze. I bent down and turned around, unsure if I could go through with it all. Even though it had ruined my life initially, I was still skeptical about…
the vice that holds us all in its grip. Sleep; the universal addiction. A release from the burden of thinking my own thoughts, and the purgatory of other people. Eyes shut, with now awareness of breath or pulse. Every night we prepare for death in…
Firstly, He dose not fit into the right time period. He's to late. It can be argued that he was effected and even inspired by the movement, But so was Mya Angelo, and she's not a transcendentalist. At best he serves as a bookend.…
Essays 351-360 of 2,899
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