Essay Database

Chemistry Essays and Term Papers

Essays 91-100 of 652
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when exposed to oxygen. It is represented on the Periodic Table of Elements by the symbol "Pu". Plutonium is one of the transuranium elements in the actinide series of the Periodic Table. Its atomic number is 94. Plutonium has an atomic mass of…
that develops when an excess of nitrogen has dissolved in body fluids and comes out of solution as bubbles of gas when a diver surfaces." (p 28, Culliney and Crockett) Decompression sickness, although less serious than rupturing a lung, has, on…
have always known that they exist. The Ancient Greeks were the firsts to speculate on the composition of matter. They thought that it was possible that individual particles made up matter. Later, in the Seventeenth Century, a German chemist named…
are antibodies? Antibodies are ideal for the use in drug therapies because they are very specific in the functions that they carry out in biological systems. They can be described as Y-shaped proteins that consist of four polypeptide chains. Residing…
Number: 13 Atomic Mass: 26.981539 amu Density: 2.702 g/cm3 Melting Point: 660.37 °C Freezing Point: 2467.0 °C Discovery and History In 1825, a Danish chemist named Hans Christian Oersted was the first to isolate aluminum. He performed this…
of years, people in Paraguay and Brazil have used a sweet leaf to sweeten bitter herbal teas including mate. For nearly 20 years, Japanese consumers by the millions have used extracts of the same plant as a safe, natural, non-caloric sweetener.…
of the most profitable in the world. Drug law enforcement agencies face an enormous challenge in protecting the country's borders. Each year, according to the U.S. Customs Service (USCS), 60 million people enter the United States on more than 675,000…
First synthesized in 1935, the proper name for the drug is Thiopental Sodium it also goes by Sodium Pentothal but that is actually a trademark of the drug's manufacturer, Abbott Laboratories. A yellow water-soluble crystal, it is classified…
is required daily, why it is important, where it can be found,and how it is absorbed in the body. Basically, if you are looking for a grade 12 study report on Iodine source and daily requirement, then this essay is for you! -----------------------------…
body when there is deficiency and toxicity. Why it is important to the body. The essay focuses on different age groups as well. The precautions to take. etc. If you are looking for a grade 12 study report on Iodine deficiency and toxicity then this is…
Essays 91-100 of 652
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