Essay Database
Biology Essays and Term Papers
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
in about fifty percent of the yard being shaded and fifty percent of the yard being exposed to full sun. The shaded areas and full-sun areas are all intermixed. You are reseeding your lawn and wish to buy only one type of grass seed. The label on…
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
changes that make it possible for a species to survive over time. Although I am not inclined to believe the basis of evolution, being that the Earth and its inhabitants have been evolving for 3.8 billion years, I do believe that evolution still holds…
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
Stars. Rose Sea Stars are classified as the following:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Echinodermata
Class: Stelleroidea
Order: Spinulosida
Family: Solasteridae
Genus: Crossaster
Species: Crossaster papposus
Rose Sea Stars lived in the Quarternary…
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
The issue of genetically modified foods has always been a very controversial one. The cloning of Dolly [the sheep], was hailed as a revolutionary break thought by many in the science industry. Issues surrounding this topic are the ethics, or lack…
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
experiment is to see the effect of four different concentrations of amylase solution on the breakdown of starch.
According to ( Microsoft corporation 2000), "...Enzymes are proteins and have a specific shape. They are…
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
Biotechnology is the use of biological processes to exploit and manipulate living organisms and biological systems to develop or manufacture a product that is a solution to a problem.
An enzyme is a protein, which is able to catalyse biochemical…
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
of science. Possibly one of the most useful discoveries... and possibly one of the most dangerous.
But what IS genetic engineering? Scientifically, genetic engineering is the modification of a living being's development.
By taking genes from…
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
a body divided into three main parts: the head, thorax and abdomen.
Most insects have three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings. The 'feelers' or antennae on the insect's head are it sense of touch and smell. Some insects have a sting in…
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
history. Cloning is the beginning of humans playing the role of God. Though there may be some benefits to cloning, the importance of the religious aspect and the impact cloning would have on society should be a sign to mankind that cloning…
Category: / Science & Technology / Biology
be very selective of your topic, and write succinctly and to the point. For example, you may want to choose the theme of "reproductive strategies" of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, or you may choose "locomotion", "environmental…