Essay Database
Constructing a portfolio consisting of 10 shares listed on the JSE
Date Submitted: 09/10/2006 05:19:14
Table of Contents
2<Tab/>Global Prospects<Tab/>3
3<Tab/>South African Prospects<Tab/>6
4<Tab/>The Portfolio<Tab/>7
4.1<Tab/>The South African Mining Sector<Tab/>7
4.1.1<Tab/>The South African Gold
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Results_statement_Sens2006_1141623377210.pdf Accessed On: 17/05/06
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Tomlinson, C (2004), Oil Out of Control, Fairplay, 30 September 2004.
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Western Areas Unaudited Quarterly Results Ended 30 September 2005, Available from, Accessed on: 16/05/2006.
World Bank, Commodity Price Data, Available from:,,contentMDK:20268484~menuPK:556802~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:476883,00.html? Accessed on: 20/04/2006
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